Blog & Turn up the heat with Demi Alex

Gia sas, my friends!

Let me start by saying I’m not a huge blogger, so I’ve teamed up with Demi Alex for our Twisted Travels Tuesday Blog!  

My contemporary romances, sometimes with a touch of the paranormal possibilities, are penned under the author name of Aleka Nakis. The steamy and exotic tales are reserved for the author that Let’s Loose, Demi Alex. Even though there are many similarities between the two author names and styles, Demi’s work is strictly for mature readers.  BEWARE: Demi Alex = erotic romance=major romance + explicit and sexy matter. Demi writes for adults.

When this site is complete, I hope to share a little more about myself and my work. I often write stories set in gorgeous locations that are near and dear to my heart. 

In the mean time, have fun, laugh a lot, and love even more.

